Baby Baskets Gift - Perfect Baby Shower Gifts
Baby Shower Gift for Girl or Boy
A baby baskets gift is always appreciated. It is not only an excellent way to welcome a new bundle of joy, but also presents you with an opportunity to provide the newborn with a gift that will make a lasting impression on the parents. Whether you're pondering a baby shower gift for girl or a boy, there is definitely a wide selection of ideas available to choose from.
When preparing a baby baskets gift, consider your theme. Without a theme, you may be lost as to where to begin. Start by thinking of one particular item and go from there. For example, you might want to start with the most commonly provided newborn item - a pack of diapers. From there, think of a few things that you could include with that item to complete the basket. For example, you might consider presenting a baby shower gift for girl that provides all the essentials, such as diapers, wipes, a pair of baby fingernail clippers, a newborn hairbrush, powder, diaper rash cream, and a pack of onesies.
Another popular theme is a beach basket - especially designed for baby's first trip to the beach. Of course, this may not happen for at least a few months. However, making sure that baby is prepared will definitely save mom and dad a lot of trouble - and money. For this baby baskets gift, be sure to include some sunscreen, a bathing suit, a towel, a few rubber duckies, a sippy cup or bottles for ice water, a beach blanket, and a cute summer outfit.

Gift baskets for baby showers always the perfect gift.
Gift baskets for new baby that make mommies and daddies smile.
You might consider going all-out and going with a personalized theme. In a personalized gift basket, make sure that the baby's name and/or initials are on each item. You might include a baby bottle, blanket, socks, onesie, stuffed animal and picture frame. This particular idea is a wonderful baby shower gift for girl or a boy.
Another idea you might like is a baby baskets gift that includes things that both baby and mommy can do together. Include some scrap-booking supplies such as stickers and ribbons, along with a coloring book, finger paints, and baby sing-a-longs. Obviously, this gift is best for babies who are a bit older, but will still make for a memorable item.
Yet another option in relation to themes is a meal-based gift basket. No matter what, mom will most likely use formula, at least from time to time. So try tossing in at least two cans of baby formula, some yummy baby foods, such as carrots, peas, and applesauce, along with a few baby oats and some rice cereal for later on. Couple these items with a personalized baby spoon and/or plate, and you've got yourself the perfect gift!
There is also the option to purchase gift baskets yourself. Most gift baskets for newborns are found online. If you choose to create a baby baskets gift yourself, make sure that you have all the supplies needed to do so. To top it off, try wrapping the basket in some decorative plastic and/or a cute ribbon. Decorations for gift baskets can be purchased just about anywhere. If purchasing a baby shower gift for girl, consider decorating the basket in whites, lavenders, and pinks. If purchasing items for a boy, yellows, whites, and blues are always a great choice.
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